Comments from Our Guests
Thank you very much for opening your lovely home on this island paradise to us. It was an experience this family will always treasure We so appreciated your careful consideration in planning the kitchen supplies, first aid, lanterns, kites, games, toys, library, and wonderful outdoor furnishings. Our activities included a great deal of relaxing and simply staring out at the magnificent sea. This is life as it is meant to be! ~ S.F.
You have given us a wonderful gift, in allowing us to share the wonders of your idyllic island home…the greatest treasure to be taken from the shores of Great Duck, cannot be carried by hand, but by heart. S. and J.C.
This was a week of magic, of seeing eagles soaring overheard and seals playing in the water below, of watching shooting stars on cloudless and moonless nights, and seeing galaxies with our naked eyes, of rose hip soup and “beach pea” snacks. Thank you for the magic, the rest, the beauty, the simplicity, the mysteries and the renewal!
~ Z.W. and F.B.W
What a fine adventure we have had. I wish you could have heard all the music created here in your living room. Everything from Vivaldi to “Boil the Cabbage.” Thanks for letting us come and begin to learn the wonders of your island home. The children thoroughly enjoyed every minute of their stay ~ .L.H.
My mind is so relaxed, it is hard to conjure up the words that best express what I feel upon our departure from Great Duck Island. We have left behind the mainland’s concerns, and found peace and joy in the simple wonders of the island and the ocean around it. We leave rested and renewed with heartfelt thanks for this unique and special island retreat.~ L. and N.K.
We leave your special place feeling renewed and full of new interest in and appreciation for Maine Island life. Your island was wondrous and beyond our wildest dreams. We are very grateful to have been able to come here. Thank you! ~ J. and N.
We’ve enjoyed every minute of our week here on the island. So many happy hours to relax and identify flowers and birds–even a midnight walk to see the petrels. Thank you for giving us this unforgettable opportunity. The memories will remain with us always! In sincere appreciation! ~ G. and M.P.
We have had a great time here this week. We couldn’t have asked for a better setting for us to get away to.
~ S. and H.L.
Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful place with us. It was by far the best vacation of our lives. We hope to come back again real soon! ~ B. and D.T.
Life won’t be the same without the surf’s pulse, the gull’s repartee, and the petrels’ chatter. We truly appreciate your sharing all this with us; it is the quintessential Maine experience! Thanks! ~ S. and B.J.
What a perfect place this is to conjoin both inner and outer landscapes! The opportunity to remember one’s own natural rhythms, to experience oneself as one of many companion beings on the planet and to simply “be” (and not have to “do” all the time) was both luxurious and deeply healing. ~ M.D. and L.R.
This is the 3rd year, and it’s still wonderful! I really hope to come again next year. I love your library! Heaven is being able to spend time on Borofsky’s Great Duck Island. ~ Thanks. G.S.
What a glorious week we’ve had. The sound and smell of the sea has made every moment enjoyable. I’ve never felt so wonderful washing dishes! None of us will forget this special time. Thank you for your graciousness.~ R.S.R.
I can’t imagine a place that could have done me more good. I feel that I have mapped this island into my psyche and it fits. This morning as I sat on the rocks watching the seagulls, a lone seal and the breaking waves, I felt a peace and contentment that are rare. I hope this feeling of harmony with nature will stay with me. The island has been a gift.
~ R.G.
This idyllic place will live forever in our memories and hearts. The wonderful sea air, the foliage, the wildlife, and beautiful topography will hopefully endure to be passed on to many more generations. ~ M.T.